The Blessedness Of Obedience!

Obedience in this Kingdom is a key factor to living the life that God designed for us!

You only truly obey those you love. And there is no other better way to prove your love for Jesus except through your obedience to every of His word.

Jesus speaking one time in John 14:23(NIV): “...Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching..."
The proof of your love for Him is your obedience to His teachings.

It's unfortunate that many run around in church, shouting and jumping as the message is on going, they even pay some sacrificial seeds but because they hardly obey God's instructions after church services, they still lack the evidences of a true believer!

Please understand that truly, Obedience is better than Sacrifice! It's your obedience to every word of God that places you ahead of your peers not your sacrifices. Why obedience? Just a few...
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  1. Your fruitfulness is tied to the instructions you obey. Isa.1:19
  2. Living a prosperous and prolonged life is tied to your obedience of God's word. Deu.5:33
  3. True and good success comes from your obedience to God's words. Josh.1:8
  4. By virtue of your obedience to God's instructions, you never lack wisdom, you always know what to do which will make others look up to you for solutions. Deu.28:1

Maybe you are already wondering how you can obey someone you don't hear, like some will say, "oh, God doesn't speak to me yet, so how will I know what He's saying?"
Well, it's simple!
Firstly, understand You have got everything He wishes to say to you in the Bible, which I believe you have one, read with an opened heart and follow the instructions therein.
Also, Get books written by highly anointed men & women of God with proofs, embedded inside those books are divine instructions they obeyed that got them where they are today, if you do same, you will get same result.

Secondly, God's servants are His representatives and mouth piece on earth, do according to the instructions they give for your benefiting, I am talking about your Pastors and leaders in church.
Take for example the Daily Prophetic Word from Neil Vermillion, these are divine instructions that when you obey, truly your path becomes a shinning and a burning light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day!

Finally, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
James 1:22(NIV)
Why? Because for every labor there is a reward, and obeying God's words requires you working according to what it says, there is nothing more rewarding than being obedient to God's words, I encourage you to give it a try, I am certain you will not regret it. God bless you!

You can join me and many others being blessed obeying divine instructions with a start of signing up with just your email, to receive Daily Prophetic Word which usually comes with divine inspiration and instructions from God's servant Neill Vermillion.
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