Three effective ways to grow your social media platforms.

For many of us who are using social media as marketing platform for our businesses or advertising for other businesses,I am sure you know how important it is for your posts, Tweets or blogs to always have massive engagement!

We all know one very sure way for that to happen is to have many followers, likes or subscription depending on what platform you are. It's even harder if you are not a celebrity or popular in some way!

Here, I share with you 3 effective ways to increase your followers or likes be it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and blogger. Now I know you must have read  an article similar to this, I read a lot of them, but  after filling so many forms and going through some process, many of them didn't really pan out.

So these are practical steps, which I am currently going through myself and I am seeing all my platforms grow rapidly on daily basis, so I recommend you do same!

1. Define yourself. (A unique identity or Signature)
You Must  understand there are many people out there doing same thing you do online. If you are blogger, the competition is higher by the second, if you tweet, well there are thousands of Tweets per minute. Therefore, if you must stand out, then what you do and what you are about must be well defined.

Always give an exceptional and catching Short Bio about yourself or business and make sure all your posts are always related to it.

2. Like or Send friend requests as much as you can per day!
I have about three Twitter handles, which are gradually growing into thousands in just a week! It wasn't like that before, some of them I registered for several months and even joined some quick growth online apps but the growth rate was still very slow until I discovered this, same thing with instagram and Facebook.

You see its a system everyone understands! It's called "follow for follow" and "like for like". Say you followed about a hundred person a day, you have a chance of about forty people if not more following you back immediately! It's the same thing with instagram and Facebook, I can asure you, it's a trusted strategy!

3. Always post good and catching contents!

 Most people spend hours on social media on daily basis without really being effective. If you know what you are about, you can really use social media to impact lives and even make some free cash along side.

Don't just post and repost every content you find, you have to be smart! That's why Twitter allows about 140 characters, the Trick is to be smart in what ever content you chose to post.

Don't forget, you are not the only one doing it, and people reading this contents are no fools or idiots, if you want them to follow you for more, then your posts must always be catching and impacting!

These are three effective steps I take daily to grow my platforms, don't get me wrong, my platforms have not fully blown up yet, but I am more positive daily. 
Most people will keep these findings to themselves but I chose to share them with you, so enjoy because I know it's harder for those of us who are not celebrities, or media guru of some sort,  I assure you if you follow these steps, you will soon start smiling.

I promise to keep you updated as I discover new tricks, be blessed.

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