Inspiration Won't Get You Far!

Inspiring quotes can get you excited and all warmed up to run but more and often we find many people back to where they were before, after a short while, when the adrenaline the inspiring quote brought them at first, finally wears off!

Why? Because, like you must have heard or read; INSPIRATION DOESN'T LAST LONG!!!
Being in the business of providing many with needed inspiration to move ahead in their careers, many wouldn't expect me to write about this, but it simply the truth!

Truth is; Inspiration can only ignite a fire but it does not have the capacity to sustain it! You will need something much more than that to keep that fire burning!

If you ever wonder why some people starts a project and never get around to finishing it, well now you have your answer, well apart from other unforeseen circumstance that might have befallen such an individual, if you find that person didn't get to finish that project for no just reason, well, the Inspiration dried up!

Look at it this way, how many times have you read something online and made a decision based on the message you caught reading that material? Well, how many times did you go through with the decision you made?

Why is it so?
Because it is not the job of Inspiration to help you finish a desired project, or achieve an aim, of fulfill a dream. Consider yourself a man on an adventure in a deep forest with some basic and necessary materials to help you survive your time there. Among these materials is a box of matches for the purpose of starting a fire either to keep your warm, cook something to eat.

Now, the place of the box of match is simple, "to help start a fire", so each time you want to start a fire, you take a stick from it then strike it, notice the fire on the stick of match goes out almost immediately after you struck it! You see, the job of each of the sticks in the box of match as designed by the producer, is to start the fire, once that is done it is left for you to find ways to sustain the fire for as long as you want!

It's no wonder you find situations when the environment is not properly set to sustain the fire, you will keep starting new fire using the sticks of match in the box until you finish it all, and if you are not careful, you end up not being able to achieve the aim behind you wanting to start a fire in the first place!

The Box of Match is same thing as Inspiration!
And what is Inspiration?

The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

For example:   "Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration"
  1.                                                  A sudden brilliant or timely idea.


                                 For example:      "then I had an inspiration"       

You see how the dictionary puts it, clear and concise! First one talks about feeling, being stimulated to do something or take an action, second one talks about a sudden move! Both i am sure you know, are variables that doesn't stay on forever!

No wonder you are advised to put down your ideas each time they suddenly hit you!

So what is the relevance of this post, well, get all the inspiration you need to get you on way but please understand you are going to need much more than inspiration to keep you keep you on that way!

What You will NEED!

  1. Faith
  2. Determination 

Understand that when you do finally get inspired and get on your way, you will need faith to keep going even when the way many at times will become blurry!

You will need Determination to keep going when your strength eventually starts failing you, people who started with you begins to desert you and when failure is all people preach to you!

These two are vital keys to success, it may tarry, but you can't get it wrong! So I employ you, get inspired but while getting inspired, hold on to your faith and be determined at becoming successful at achieving success even if you fail at everything else! 


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