Youth & Leadership


Too many times have I seen in meetings, youths shying away from responsibilities mostly because they feel they are not qualified for it either because of their age or position, others simply for the lack of knowledge of their purpose here on earth.

What is Leadership and Who is a Leader?
Some say it's simply the action of Leading a group of people or an organisation, or the ability to do this (Lead).
Leadership can also simply mean the state of being a Leader.

Leadership many times can be a place of control, authority, management or supervision.

Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new.
Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to as an individual, "win" as a team or an organization; Leadership is dynamic, exciting, and inspiring. 
With these understanding, one can say that an effective leader is one who:
  1. Creates an inspiring vision of the future.
  2. Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision.
  3. Manages delivery of the vision.
  4. Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more effective at achieving the vision.
I would like you to take note of the fact that none of these attributes is necessarily attached to a particular age nor position in an organization.

It's unfortunate that one of the barriers against the full utilization and harnessing of the potentials of the youth is the myth that until you get to a particular position in an organization, you are not seen as a leader and therefore can not lead! 

Leadership starts where you are! It's not only attached to a title or a position!

John C. Maxwell said; "Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit!"

Anyone can lead where ever he is, he can decide to make a difference and I wish you would make that choice now!

Decide to make a difference, decide to set a pace for others to follow in that organisation irrespective of the position or rank you hold! And your generation will thank you for it someday!

A complete Ebook on this subject will be out soon, be sure to get your hands on it and begin your journey to leadership in few pages of in-dept understanding and knowledge!

Mindtools - blog
John C. Maxwell


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