It can only get better!

   It can only get better has been the watch word for Pst. Ben popularly known as Beninspirationals since the beginning of last month June, maybe because he feels his songs will eventually get better or he is speaking futuristically concerning his projects! (Disclaimer; you didn't hear this from me, wink*) 
   But whatever the case is, you should totally find out for yourself and be the judge as he will officially be launching his first single from an album he is been working on, online come next Monday 04/07/2016.

     As to when the Album titled THE INSPIRED will be officially released he has not said anything about, I guess he's just testing to see how the market will receive his single before any further move. (again, thinking aloud!) 
Anyway, over the years, he has proven to be highly inspired, and have continually inspired all that came along his way, either through his various online platforms (trust me, highly inspirational stuffs), through his messages on meetings or  the opportunity of a one on one encounter, over time, he has proven that he knows his stuff!

Well, we all look forward to that being reflected on his songs as we enthusiastically wait for the release of the single come Monday.
In the mean time, you can keep tabs on him, his projects and support him all the way (seriously, he needs it; he has literally been begging for it) through the following channels:

Pst Ben Inspirationals

Join him on Facebook, see his pages and like, join his groups to keep getting inspired!


Subscribe to his YouTube Channel and be one the list to be notified of his latest posts concerning his events and projects

Follow him on twitter, and get instant updates!


Join him on google plus and his communities, and support him by liking and sharing his posts!

Well, there you have it, this is pretty much what has been going on with Beninspirationals and why this place may seem in-active some days! Thank you for stopping by, see you next time. -Zaynab


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