Decide to Have a Great Day!

Either you run the day, or the day runs you. –Jim Rohn.

Its as simple as that, Jim couldn't have gotten it more right, you either wake up and decide to rule the day or be moody all day long, either way, it's always a choice!

I come across many people everyday, some always ever joyful and enjoying the day, others, you wonder why they can't seem to ever smile, when i do ask some the reason; well, the day isn't going as planned is always their answer, and you just wonder why everyday doesn't go as planned!

I always tell people, most times, the mood of our morning is highly determined by our engagements before going to bed, of course you would expect the air in the room of a couple who fought before going to bed to be very tight!
You can not go to bed dwelling on the failures of the day and the day before and not wake up moody, blaming the world for all your failures!
It's not a bad idea to run the day through your head but not for the purpose of dwelling on the mistakes or to apportion blame for the errors made, for those who understands the concept of Mistakes and Failures, there is one thing common with them, they use them as stepping stones, a yardstick to do better!

You wouldn't know where to improve on tomorrow, if you didn't come across the errors of today!
Stephen Covey said;  I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. 

Overtime, I have learn to wake up to a bright and very result-ful day, like a wise man said, every day is a like a new chapter, a new chance to start all over again or do better! It is not about what happened yesterday, its about what can happen today! 

By now, you must understand that every change is a function of decisions! You must also learn to decide to have great day irrespective of what happened the previous day or the seemingly difficult situation ahead of you!
The Psalmist got it right  when he wrote; For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning -Ps. 30:5, you see, it is scriptural to weep at night, but very un-scriptural to weep in the morning too!

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. –Anais Nin  Despite the challenges at your work, on your marriage, your business place, learn to decide to have a great day everyday!
It is true that the world is getting more competitive everyday, but if you must escape insanity in world that is in so much hurry, you must learn to get hold of your day!

Of course the need for having a relationship with your maker  can never be overemphasized! I couldn't count even if i wanted to the days that would have been very horrible if i didn't wake up speaking in other tongues or praying! This is very important because its key to having a blessed day no matter the outcome!

Get connected! You need the right people around you, you need the right people on your contact list, people you can call and you will begin to smile if for any reason the day is trying to get you worked up! Being surrounded with  a strong community of friends and family is very important, it's not only healthy but it will go a long way to give you a something to look up to everyday you get out of bed!

Finally, at the end of the day, please understand that you have a choice to wake up to a glorious day filled with much promises or a moody one, its your choice! Hope you make the right one, be blessed!


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