Must I be a Leader?

Please understand that this is not just a question out of low self-esteem, its a question out of lack of understanding!
Gen. 1:26,28: We were not just made to live and worship God, God placed us on Leadership role over all He created, He said; "let them have dominion" talking about leadership!

Asking why you must be a leader is like asking why you must eat;

Please understand these truths;
*Every Human being was created to lead, its inborn.
*Every human possesses leadership potential.
*Trapped in every follower is a hidden Leader.
*Leadership is your history and your destiny.

The truth is you can't run from it, chances are, you are already on the path already, you might actually be doing some act of leadership already.
So the question you should be asking is how do I become the leader I am born to be!

The ladder that takes you to that place is not easy but as you continue on that path, you will get there!
* First understand that leadership first starts from the mind! It isn't really attached to a position! You can be a leader at whatever level you are, its a mind-set!
* Discover your purpose; a wise man said, when purpose is discovered a leader is born!

The day you discover your purpose is the day you start leading, it doesn't matter what position you occupy!
It is important to note that a good leader is a good follower and that leadership is about being prepared to serve your gifts at any given opportunity, so go out there and let the world benefit from your God given talents!

Be the Leader you are Born to be! Partner with us by sharing this post among your friends if you enjoyed it, be blessed!


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