Get A Plan, You Get A Life!

Most time you hear great teachers and philosophers say "There are people merely existing and not living"
Even I, say it some times, in most cases one would expect someone from the audience to ask a question about how one should start living and not merely be existing!

Well, maybe they got their answers from the message, but my point is many still get out of such meetings and still move on with their lives, keep existing the way they were existing before they came for that meeting.
I am very sure of this because I did same a couple of times in some meetings I attended, it was when I actually started "doing" that I started living!

Is this article on Living & Existing? You are right, nope, it's not...
But indulge me for a moment, I can bet that in most of those meetings there was really no definition given on "living" & "existing" Well, so you get my point, let's settle that now!

According to the English Dictionary;
To EXIST is "to be; have existence; have being"
- these guys here, like simple life, simple things, don't like making mistakes thereby never attempting anything, never join or support a cause that impact lives, just want to go to work come back eat and rest, next day repeat same routine till they finally retire some day and live in some remote place till they are called up!
There are no acts to write about them, well except that they were a good employee, loving parents and, you get the picture, and they are forgotten in few years. 

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Amongst many, To LIVE is to:
To survive; to persevere; to continue.To cope.
To spend, as one's life; to pass; to maintain; to continue in, constantly or habitually.
To act habitually in conformity with; to practice.
Having life; that is alive.

Oh how I love the way this dictionary explains it, "Having life: that is alive"
We're talking about a life that is contagious, a life that impacts others, a life that brings hope and strength to the weak!
This life never really dies! History will keep remembering them, it's a life not only remembered by immediate family, but it goes through out the community, the state, the nation and eventually the whole of the world!

People like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu,Thomas Edison, and many am sure you know more than I, these people you can't  forget, generations yet unborn will study about them!

This is the kind of life every one should choose to live!
But please understand, these people didnt goto bed one night and suddenly woke up the next day famous or impacting lives.
They, struggled, they sacrificed, they were oppressed, they were forsaken, but because they knew what they were about they had a plan and kept believing!

I can bet you never really understood it each time you were asked to get a plan for your life.
Many of us do not even have one, as a matter of fact, recently I found out I wasn't where I was supposed to be according to plan so I just reviewed and edited mine few minutes ago!

Someone will say,  OH well, life, it doesn't always go as planned, life just happens! 
Sorry I don't agree with you, take a moment, sit quietly and take a review on your life, you'll find out that where you are right now is a function of choices you made and the actions you took!

Don't put the blame on life, a wise man said "life is not giving to anyone good or bad, we chose either to make it good or bad"
I hear most of my friends in the US always say, "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonades out of it"
Do you think going to prison was amongst Mandela's plans? He new it was a possibility, he was even prepared for it, but it wasn't among the plan!

My Flaws My Laws by Armzy Nation

The situation is not the problem, it's your attitude that is the problem!
Plans are effective, they help guide and caution you.
Most importantly, plans gives you a system, and see how having a system really impacts your life.

S - Save
Y - Yourself
S - Strength
T - Time
E - Energy
M - Money

A system simply; Saves you, Strength, Time, Energy and Money!
You stop wasting; Strength on unnecessary jobs, Time on irrelevant things, Energy running after the minor instead of the major and also save yourself regrets on money spent without gain!

You need a plan, you need a system, get one now!
Until you wake up daily working towards achieving a goal, you remain just like any other person out there who is like matter, they merely have weight and occupy space, get a plan, get a life!

Thank you for joining me again, hope you'll Share this with you friends and help them make the choice too, you can also leave a comment, I will be glad to hear from you! God bless you!


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