The Best of The Best, To mark our 61st Post!

Beninspirationals has come a long way, and we have grown a lot! we have had some really inspiring post on this platform and lives have been blessed!

We are indeed grateful to every one of our audience and followers who take time to read our posts, comment and share, thank you so much for the support and for staying with us thus far!

We like to think we are a little bit different from similar platforms out there, so while others are marking their 60th post, we want to mark our 61st! Lol!
So to mark our 61st post we have decided to highlight some of our really inspiring and most engaged post, just to remind to us that God is still very ready to bring to pass those promises as long as we keep holding on to His word!

We hope you will have cause to smile with these highlights and of course remember to do as commanded as that is the beginning of your breakthrough!

Obedience in this Kingdom is a key factor to living the life that God designed for us!
You only truly obey those you love. And there is no other better way to prove your love for Jesus except through your obedience to every of His word.
Jesus speaking one time in John 14:23(NIV): “...Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching..."  The proof of your love for Him is your obedience to His teachings! Click here to Continue reading!

How often in our relationships do we wake up and suddenly realize that we are not just compatible with our partners. We try all our best to make sure it works out but all to no avail!  
Don't know what to do, i like him but it ain't just working, huh!  what happens at this stage is that many just gets frustrated and out of not wanting to hurt their partner they just remain, venting out their frustration on anyone and everyone!
 Click Here to continue reading!

Having A 2016 Stress Free Relationship! (How? Find out not now!)
More than ever before, please understand it's a new year, and if anything is going to be new in your life then you must deliberately make some changes!
We all know relationships many at times can be complicated , tiring, strength consuming and can drain you emotionally!
But these haven't really stopped many to keep trying in the hope of finding that perfect person! Click Here to Continue reading

I once heard a wise man say, the year doesn't change for you until your mentality changes, surely you will keep getting same results if you keep doing same thing as   before! It doesn't make any difference that the calender had changed, you too have to have some changes if you want the new year to tell a different story about you!
So,  as we begin this new year today, it will be wise to make some resolutions!
 Click Here to continue reading!

 A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like Medicine. (Prov. 17:22)
Laughter is a great thing -- that's why we've all heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease.
Human beings love to laugh, and the average adult laughs 17 times a day. Humans love to laugh so much that there are actually industries built around laughter. Jokes, sitcoms and comedians are all designed to get us laughing, because laughing feels good. Click Here to continue reading!

Two New Ebook you need to read! Simply Inspirational!
There is something definitely going wrong with this generation.
There is a syndrome going on, and this syndrome I have come to realize and call "Doing what not asked to do" It's a syndrome that have got many caged, especially the youths.
For example, tell them about the dangers of sex, and you will see many trying it out after the meeting, tell them about the dangers of fraud and lies, they just look for more ways to defeat these said dangers! Continue...

 Three Effective Ways to Grow Your Social Media Platforms.
For many of us who are using social media as marketing platform for our businesses or advertising for other businesses,I am sure you know how important it is for your posts, Tweets or blogs to always have massive engagement!
We all know one very sure way for that to happen is to have many followers, likes or subscription depending on what platform you are. It's even harder if you are not a celebrity or popular in some way! Continue...

Let me bring this to your notice that most successful people are those
that truly understand what it means to be disciplined, determined, be
passionate and to master their fear!

Sometime ago, when I newly joined the Unique Press Club, Auchi on my
first day at rehearsal I was asked to try anchor an Opinion Pool show,
I stepped out but was speechless due to stage fright and all the piercing eyes all over me. Continue...

These are just few of many more, you can check our archives to find more interesting post, there is no doubt that it has been a wonderful time here and once again thank you for being a part of our journey, we employ you  to continue to support us as we are everyday working on making this outreach better and to also get greater results. God bless and keep you! -Pst. Ben Inegbe (Chief Editor, Beninspirationals)


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