3 Courses you must go through on your pursuit of greatness!

From where I stand, I believe these are three necesarry Courses you must go through on your pursuit of greatness!

Being Mocked 101
     This talks about being teased or laughed at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.
This is the stage people look at your dream as being bigger than you, your pocket and brains! They see no way you could possibly achieve such a dream and most time your family background doesn't help issues. But don't worry about it, over the time, great achievements have been by little men with great minds! E.g: Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. (Just few)

Being Hated 102
Intense dislike! This is very common, and it something you should probably learn to live with. Truth is, you can't please everyone, no matter how hard you try, some people are going to just make up their minds not to like you for some feeble reasons!
Reasons like; The way you carry yourself, the way you talk, your views and ideas, your dreams and even your beliefs!

So you don't have to kill yourself over it, you see those guys on the first course? They were hated too at some point, but it didn't change anything!

Being Misunderstood 103
Act of ones motive being misinterpreted! (My definition)
This is my favorite! I have had a lot of experience on this course! Have you ever fought on behalf of someone and that person turns around to blame you for their misfortune instead of being grateful? It is not fun!
As a leader not many will understand you at instant in every meeting but one thing is certain at the end, they will get it!

When you were constructing those dreams in your head nobody was there so don't expect immediate acceptance when you do share it!

One thing is certain! This three courses are steps to your greatness, they are not to drag you down but to keep you strong and resilient till you get to the top and remain there!

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