I once heard a wise man say, the year doesn't change for you until your mentality changes, surely you will keep getting same results if you keep doing same thing as before!
It doesn't make any difference that the calender had changed, you too have to have some changes if you want the new year to tell a different story about you!

So,  as we begin this new year today, it will be wise to make some resolutions!
Resolution simply talks about A strong will, determination. A statement of intent, or a vow.
As I have done and hope you will do, you must get a statement of intent for 2016 to guide you through!

Here are some pointers to help you get an effective statement of intent(2016 Resolution)

1.  Order your life; You can't keep leaving the same way and expect to get a different result! Get some order into your life, don't be too loosed, get some control over your choices and actions!

2. Place your Priorities; Priorities helps your focus, it saves you waste of time and energy on unnecessary things!
It's important to note here that you mustn't come out a very long to-do list, keep it brief and achievable!

3. Take a step towards your Dream; Please understand that one Action is more effective than ten thousand ideas! It's time to be bold and courageous! You want it? Go for it! If you fall, rise up and try again, at least you will be doing something and learning what not to do.

4. Live for God; Take a plant out the soil, give it time, it dies! Take a fish out of water, give it time, it dies!
Please understand that a fruit doesn't fall far from its tree! You need a source for supply! Believe it dear, God is your true source, the only one that doesn't run dry!
Find your stand with Him and stay with Him. Matt. 6:33; you can't seek first and not get all you need! So live for God this year,  be interested in knowing Him more & allow Him guide you so you don't miss fire this year.

One thing certain, it's a fertile year, the famine is over, what ever you plant,  you will quickly reap, so be sure to sow as much as you can and you will not be left out! God bless you!

Special thanks to everyone who have stayed with us thus far, you guys inspire us to continue, we hope you will stay with us again this year. A happy new year from everyone at PCYF, ASKYOURPARTNER, CLASSICSMSWORLD, Pst Ben Inspirationals and of course everyone here at Beninspirationals  Wishing you the very best in this year! 


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