Diary Of A City Girl In The Village Episode IV

Ha! Can't believe the trouble I had to go through just to cook myself something to eat, setting up a place to cook wasn't easy, the house where I got an accommodation is made up of six rooms with a long hall separating them, making it three rooms on each sides with no kitchen, it was like I was back to school again, only that this time it was very different. Back then at school, the houses were pretty, more comfy and it smelled better, plus I didn't really live in one of those houses I just visited some friends there.

After much debate, I finally decided to set up my kitchen just outside my door, this meant I had to keep an eye on it not because I didn't want the food getting burnt but because I don't have much trust for anyone here yet, it's better safe than sorry! Back home, though I still complained about cooking but we pretty much had it easy! Too easy! You pretty much cooked and ate, slept at the same place.

Life in the city is a distinct contrast to the one lived in this village. Everything seems so strange and odd, one of those odd cases was what I saw happened today, I am still feeling the aftermath of the shock!
I was still cooking when I heard people shouting and singing, out of curiosity I went out with my neighbors who I first thought were running out to see what was going on only to hear them singing the same song the crowd were singing.

When I asked, Apparently, it was the same songs they normally sang each time a woman was caught committing adultry. At first I was shocked, confused even, I kept wondering how this could still be possible at this age and time.
Didn't want to believe it until I saw a woman stark naked with a pile of feaces in a basket on her head. The crowed who were a pack of women and girls kept shoving her left and right while they kept booing and clapping their hands at her.

The sight was one I never thought was possible! I have heard of stories of how adultry is been dealt with in some communities but not this extreme, I just stood there with my mouth wide open unable to comprehend what I was seeing!

By the time I finally got hold of myself the crowd had gone far past my place of residence, it was shocking! I could hardly eat the food I had gone through so much trouble to prepare.

From the world where I come from, adultry is the least of its problems. Apart from the neighbors who will gossip about it if they got to find out, nobody really cares! There are now laws that gives you an upper hand in the divorce settlement if a trace of infidelity was found on your partner!

Some now use it as an escape root from a terrible marriage... I could think of many ways adultry was handled back home, but not this way, and I thought adultry is a crime committed by two? What happened to the man? Didn't see him anywhere or see anything being done to him... How come it's the woman that gets all the punishment?

Hmm, I know I said I wanted to leave my comfort zone and this is way out of my comfort zone! It makes me wonder how much of the women rights are being infringed here, it also means I am going to be asking twice before having any form of relationship with any one here...

Dear diary, I can tell you I am going to bed wondering what other surprises the day holds for me, wondering how many things I think I know will be proved wrong...

You will be amazed how much injustice women suffer on daily basis, click here to read an article on SOCIAL INJUSTICE TO WOMEN. thank you for joining us again hope to see you on the next episode! - Perpetua Orumwese

Click here to read
Episode I
Episode II
Episode III


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