Escaping The Trick Of Complacency!

For every leader and want to be leaders, this is important!
I am sure you must have head of the word "complacency" if you haven't, here is what it means;
Complacency; A feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of upcoming trouble!
Many leaders full into this trap, I have, maybe you are right now, whatever the case, it's a place no leader should feel comfortable in for too long!
Most times many tend to forget that success is part time, that is why you'll see effective leaders setting up another goal upon the achievement of one set before.
You don't want to be complacent! It tricks you to a state of assumption, making you feel there is really nothing left to achieve now but some how along the line that feeling of underachievement always comes along which usually ends many up in regrets.
A wise man once said "assumption is affliction"

Many have destroyed all they suffered to build because they became complacent.
If you have head of some persons who were rich before or well to do and suddenly started struggling at the bottom, you may have just seen some one who became complacent as a result of their achievement at a point!

"I use to know how to do this thing very well before" is the language of those that stop doing what they where doing when they gained some level of achievement!
That is what complacency is about, it's a feeling of security, it makes you stop the routine that got you to a certain level of recognition and if you're not careful, you will become a victim! It's a feeling every leader must overcome realising that Success is per time!
If there is one a thing a leader should fear  most is complacency!
Even though you are on the right track, you will still get run over if you just sit there!-Will Rogers
Understand that no matter how perfect you think you are now or what level of achievement you think you have gained now, there is still room for more improvement!
Good, you have completed a goal you set out for, congratulations! Find or set another, maybe there is nothing you can  truly improve yourself on anymore, well find people who needs improving and help them out, just refused to be complacent!

Always be prepared! For when preparation meets opportunity, success is born, again again!
Wishing you Godspeed in this new month of March! Don't forget to share with friends and family, help them overcome this fatigue!


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