10 Harvey Mackay's Morals To Help You Get Over A Job You Were Just Fired!

The period when one is fired from a job can be a very difficult. It is not only a time you are out of a job but depending on the circumstance upon which you were fired, it can also mean getting another good one is nearly impossible.
I am reading a book by one of the world's best-selling motivational and business authors, Harvey Mackay and its titled: We got fired!

Here are some of his morals he shares with us, I find them very inspiring and I know will also do you good if it happens that you are going through this period.

1. The way to douse a firing is to use what you have learned for an even better hiring.

2. When the winds are right, "fire" yourself first.

3. Know thyself to get thyself hired.

4. Finding a job is a matter of direction and selection, not rejection and dejection.

5. Life isn't always sweet in the C-suit. Be prepared for a bumpy ride when you travel at high altitudes.

6. Build your skills portfolio long before the day you may be fired.

7. Confidence isn't a game. Find the tools to command it, if you want to be a player.

8. They can't hire you if they don't know who you are.

9. Every event in life always has two sides. Energize yourself by picking up the proactive one.

10. Some people rebound from firing setback because they are destined to. Most people rebound because they are determined.

This is just a tip of the ice berg, the book contains more and they are all well detailed out for you, followed by testimonies of men and women who are actually very happy they got fired. They say its the best thing that happened to them.

You can find out more on his website; http://harveymackey.com

If this was helpful please leave a comment, like or share to help some one else, wish you the best.


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