Some how, some people get the idea that you can't be a good christian when you are a business man or woman! Some even go as far as believing that poverty is a first class ticket to heaven!
When I read or hear this things, at times am just sad for them and begin to wonder how they came about this mindset, some of these people have been around longer than I am and most surely have read the bible more than I have, but the little I have read and come to understand does not say anything about God wanting us to be poor!

Please understand that God does not take pleasure in your poverty, God is not happy when you are suffering, in your happiness lies Gods happiness! Jere 29:11(NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Here are six examples of our covenant fathers who were great business men, who were rich in gold and silver, cattle, sheeps and you name it, and they even loved God more!

ABRAHAM know as the father of faith, a man who walked with God was probably the richest man in his time. (Gen. 13:2, 14:14)

ISAAC also walked with God as his father did and was not left out! (Gen 26:12, 17-32)

JOSEPH, (Gen 39:2, 47:14) he went through all and still conquered. He defeated famine also through wisdom and had more than enough!

JOB, the bible tells us this man was righteous in everything and God blessed him that he was known as the greatest man in th east! (Job 1:3, 42:10)

DAVID was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22); he died in old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth and honour (1 Chronicles29:28).

SOLOMON probably the greatest example in the bible. He was definitely the richest in his time. (2 Chro. 9:20,22) .

Don't know where some so called believers got the idea of not being righteous when you are successful in business but I sure know its not the bible.

This topic will be continued in the next post as I bring you more evidence that God wants you successful in everything. Truth is, in this day and age if you don't have the resources serving God might be even harder!

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